Always Learn and Survive

Blanca Nieto - Founder

Blanca Nieto was born in Ojinaga, Chihuahua, Mexico on September 14, 1980. Her family brought her to Odessa at the age of 11 years old. She graduated from Odessa High School in 1998 and received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Texas Permian Basin in 2007. As a young girl, Blanca wanted to be a nun and help people “be happy.” She worked in mental health services for three years before developing an interest in entrepreneurship. She became a State Farm Agent and later an independent financial services agent. She learned first-hand the challenges single mother entrepreneurs face.

In 2019, her second child asked her to homeschool him as he had faced bullying and did not fit in public and private schools. He has always been different, and she fought to make him conform to the expectations of the public school system for years until she allowed herself to see her son for the child she had and not the child she wished he was. She closed her insurance business to dive into research and homeschool her two boys. She felt passionate about her findings which led to the start of a small homeschool co-op. It is her firm belief that no two people are alike in their DNA; therefore, there must be flexibility to tailor education to the child's needs and allow the child’s creativity to thrive and reach his or her potential.

Blanca is now the face of ALAS, which she founded in 2021. The organization provides professional development training and resources for business owners and professionals. Part of the nonprofit serves homeschoolers with the support and skills necessary to overcome obstacles.

“To all the Latina Mothers, 'Si Se Puede!' When you feel you are not enough, reach within your most profound strength by God alone and our strong Mexican ancestors. It is in your DNA to become the mother your child needs. Do not be afraid of the unknown, and love your child for whom he or she is. Do not be afraid to be humble and ask for help. Knock on 1,000 doors if you must for the sake of our new generations."Blanca Nieto

About ALAS

ALAS, Always Learn And Survive is a nonprofit organization 501C3 exempt as of October 2021.

ALAS, Always Learn And Survive, focuses on education and leadership. We provide classes, coaching, tutoring, and support to empower youth and women to lead their life. The foundation comprises leadership skills, emotional intelligence, financial literacy, physical education, and Learn to Love. We believe that understanding the child’s learning style and personality can create a positive learning environment that caters to the individual’s personal growth.

We are a support system to empower youth and women to lead their lives with confidence, intentionality, and purpose. We use coaching techniques to guide the individual through conscious awareness actions to subconscious actions to improve critical thinking skills. Creating a solid foundation of academic principles allows creativity in the individual’s quest for knowledge.

Our goal is to positively encourage the individual’s creativity, imagination, and leadership by believing in the individual’s capacity to learn and survive.